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2013/01/09 作者:我爱卡



  这样做是为了累积信用卡积分,积分可以用来兑换体育赛事的VIP套票和豪华度假游等奖励。房主们说,既然已经花钱装修房子了,不如借此机会获取一些额外回报──现金是无法提供这种好处的。48岁的凯夫(Greg Cave)是一家电脑咨询公司的老板,家住得克萨斯州帕克县(Parker),过去四年他花费逾100万美元翻修了厨房,进行了景观美化,并安装了定制照明系统,他说这些费用都是用美国运通卡(American Express)支付的。他说,他每个月都会全额偿还信用卡欠款,同时赢得积分,他和他的伴侣用这些积分兑换旅游奖励。上个月他们在圣托马斯岛(St. Thomas)度假一周,度假费用是用部分积分支付的。他说:“与其在月末开支票,不如通过刷卡攒些额外积分。”

  的确,用信用卡购买大件能够赢得精英级的奖励。不同发卡商提供的奖励有所不同,包括可观看美洲杯帆船赛(America's Cup)的游艇巡航,参加犹他州圣丹斯电影节(Sundance Film Festival)的四晚旅行套餐,还有与运动员、设计师和著名大厨一起参加的私人活动。有一些信用卡的持卡人还能获得一定比例的现金返还(通常为购买总额的1%到2%),比许多银行的储蓄账户利息要高。

  通过不菲的住宅装修费用累积积分是很容易的。哈佛大学(Harvard University)住房研究联合中心(Joint Center for Housing Studies)估计,2012年美国房主们花费了1,207亿美元用于装修,较上年增加5.9%,为2007年以来最高水平。全美装修业联合会(National Association of the Remodeling Industry)数据显示,多数装修公司称客户用个人支票来支付装修费用,信用卡则是2012年第二大流行支付方式,有28%的公司表示客户会使用信用卡。

  奥雷利亚纳(Mel Orellana)是总部位于纽约州怀*****莱恩斯(White Plains)的装修公司Prime Home Improvements Mel Orellana的财务运营业务副总裁,他说,多数拥有高档住宅的客户用信用卡来支付装修费用。从事专门业务的公司也表示,信用卡使用量有所上升。总部位于得克萨斯州普莱诺(Plano)的住宅照明控制系统设计和安装公司DK Automation的总裁卡默(Darren Kammer)称:“信用卡的使用在过去一年中变得更普遍了。”


This is done in order to accumulating credit card points, points can be used to exchange sports VIP package and luxury holiday travel award.The owners said, since you have to spend money to decorate the house, not to take this opportunity to get some extra cash in return -- is unable to provide this benefit.48 year old cave (Greg Cave) is a computer consulting company boss, live in Parke County Texas (Parker), over the past four years he spent more than $1000000 renovation of the kitchen, the landscape, and install a custom lighting system, he said that these costs are used in American Express card (American Express) payment.He said, every month he will be repaid in full by credit card arrears, and win points, he and his partner with these points for incentive travel.Last month they on the island of St. Thomas (St. Thomas) to go on holiday for a week, the price of the holiday is to use integration by part payment.He said: "and at the end of the month than by credit card cheques, save some extra points."

Indeed, by credit card purchase large can win the elite award.Different issuers offer incentives vary, including the American Cup (America's Cup) yacht cruise, the Sundance Film Festival in Utah (Sundance Film Festival) four nights travel packages, and athletes, designer and celebrity chef with the Senate and private activities.There are a number of card holders can earn a certain percentage of cash back (usually to purchase 1% of the total to 2%), than many bank savings account interest high.


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